I chose U/B version of tron over the other G/U and W/U builds for a few reasons:
a)Black is the color that really made me love magic
b)The creature heavy meta screams for removal.
c)Urborg Tomb of Yawgmoth + Sundering Titan garauntees an opponents land
The main deck is finished and breaks down like this:
4xThirst for Knowledge
4xDimir Signet
4xMana Leak
1xCrucible of Worlds
2xSundering Titan
1xGrim Poppet
1xAcademy Ruins
1xUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
4xUrza's Tower
4xUrza's Power Plant
4x Urza's Mine
3xChrome Mox
4xChalice of the Void
2xFrost Marsh
2xTolaria West
4xRiver of Tears
3xGifts Ungiven
So how does this work... Well the goal is to get the urzatron online early with chrome mox or dimir signet for coloration, drop mindslaver sundering titan and academy ruins to lock the game.
Sundering Titan bashes your opponents face, mindslaver makes their turn irrelevant and academy ruins starts the cycle all over again recurring your mindslaver. Obviously You won't always be able to open with a turn four sundering titan or mindslaver lock even if you do you have to make it to turn four. that's where the other cards shine, the chalices tell your opponents they cant play some of the greatest spells in exteneded, chrome mox turns on a chalice for one first turn... on the play that means no first turn plays for the guy across the table and locks out most of zoo, mana leak and condescend give you early counter magic sans chalice.
The critical part of the deck which I love is this deck has pretty decent matchups against most others, but only if you make the right plays and keep the right hands. Yes this deck can beat ravinity, zoo and elf-ball, but only if you stay within your play mistake margin which is practically zero. Never take a questionable hand especially if you're in the second game of a match, they've seen what you've got so it's mandatory that youtrim the fat on your magic play. In play testing this I have been handily beaten by subpar Type 2 decks, because I got arrogant and figured I could play around a weak hand F.Y.I. it can't be done. This deck is flexible and pushes you to play smarter magic. I will continue to tech and tweak this until the PTQ.
I think this quote from a classic magic card fits this decks motto:
"You'll bend to my will- with or without your precious sanity"