3x Mind Stone
4x Blightning
4x Volcanic Fallout
1x Wrath of God
1x Austere Command
2x Terminate
3x Path to Exile
2x Banefire
3x Ajani Vengeant
2x Makeshift Mannequin
25 Non-Creature Spells
3x Anathemancer
4x Tidehollow Sculler
3x Reveillark
2x Siege-Gang Commander
12 Creature Spells
3x Reflecting pool
3x Graven Cairns
2x Rugged Prairie
2x Fetid Heath
2x Caves of Koilos
1x Battlefield Forge
2x Sulfurous Springs
2x Swamp
4x Mountain
3x plains
24 Lands
I put this deck together with a couple of decks in mind BWT and 5cc playtesting against both of these decks I found it was pretty vicious and quite reliable. I looked at from a pure numbers standpoint and it didn't really have a bad match up against any of the decks any the current meta. When I took this to Regionals I was quite happy with its performance, because as long as I kept the right hands it did what it was supposed to do. In my first match in my first round I played against 5cc The anathemancer alone did at least 14 points of damage, it took 2 cruel Ultimatums and a few broodmates for him to kill me. The whole game 5cc was on the ropes. In game 2 I brutalized him with anathemancer volcanic and a couple of banefire's to the dome. The Round was tied up 1-1 in game three I see a brutal opening hand with two banefires land and Ajani vengeant. He opens with a tapland, and I draw another land drop it and say go. He plays reflecting pool next to his vivid creek and says go. I rip another land off the top play it and pass. He misses his land drop and passes. I rip another land and play blightning, boom he swerves it back at me effectively getting 3 cards and 3 damage on me for a blue and a red. Okay I think Im screwed now. He misses another land drop and says go, Im pretty sure I've got this game in the bag, so I follow up with another blightning. Guess what? swerve right back to my face and now I've only got one card in hand, he plays his another tapland and passes. I stick ajani Vengeant keep his lands tapped blow em up rip another one off the top and brutalize him with Anathemancer and lark. After winning round 1 I was pretty confident. Round 2 I play BWT and am sure I can beat him. First game I play sloppy against a good player and take a loss that shouldn't have happened. Game two I come out tight wiping his board several times and keeping him off the windbrisk activation. I play tidehollow sculler and anathemancer attack for four play ajani vengeant and volcanic fallout to wipe again. next turn I drop reveillark but he comes back online with a burrenton forgetender a cloudgoat and the blossom is still making fairie tokens. I rip a wrath off the top attack with reveillark and its gg with anathemancer and ajani doing damage to the dome, and since the anathemancer's trigger wasn't on the stack yet the forgetender got nothin. Game 3 I would have won if not for those darn kitchen sinks. The deck performed quite well with two early blightnings followed ajani vengeant but he drops two kitchen finks in short order. I shot one with ajani then followed up with an infest and terminate for the one that hadn't yet persisted. He barely won that match with 2 life. The rest of my matches were not too exciting, either the deck did what it was supposed to or I played against bant aggro decks and didnt see a lick of removal after sideboarding in condemn, 2 infests, and another austere. That just doesn't make sense. Hopefully the skeleton of this deck will still be viable for future T2 competition with the introduction of silence in m10 and the possibilities with Zendikar this BWR control deck could get pretty nasty in the future.